Managing Adult ADHD in the Workplace

It is estimated that around 11 million adults in the United States have Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Research suggests that ADHD is inherited; it’s a genetic disorder that can significantly impair one’s ability to function in everyday life, particularly at work. Taking steps to properly manage your ADHD can significantly improve your work performance, relationships, and feelings of self-efficacy. 

4 Tips for Managing your ADHD in the Workplace

01 Be Communicative. Make sure your bosses, mentors, or human resources professionals are aware of your condition. Continuous and open communication will allow you to receive any accommodations or support you may need. Discussing your experience with ADHD can help employers gain a deeper understanding of who you are, how you work, and the unique attributes of your condition. 

02 Prioritize Time Management and Organization. Navigating ADHD in the workplace can be overwhelming. Adults with ADHD are at a higher risk of job loss, repeated errors, absences, and poor workplace relationships. Finding ways to manage your time and organize your workload is crucial. Allow for more structure by creating a routine for yourself and minimizing distractions. 

03 Seek out Therapy. Therapy and medication tend to be the most effective forms of treating ADHD. A therapist who specializes in ADHD can help you better understand your disorder and arm you with the proper skills and tools to cope. It’s also not uncommon for ADHD to coexist with other mental health disorders. Adults with ADHD have a higher frequency of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and substance abuse. A therapist can help you navigate challenges in the workplace, as well as other struggles you may face.

04 Consider Medication. Discuss with a doctor or mental health professional if medication is right for you. There are many different stimulant and non-stimulant medications used to treat ADHD. A psychiatrist can help you determine the best treatment option and explain the different dosages and types of medication available to you. This type of treatment can improve your symptoms and create a substantial difference in your ADHD journey. You should weigh the risks and benefits of taking medication and ensure you are closely monitored upon starting a new medication. 

It is essential to note that ADHD presents differently in every person, and your ADHD may even help you excel in some areas. The bottom line is that ADHD is a unique part of your identity, and learning how it fits into your life is crucial. Effective treatment will allow you to best manage your symptoms, leverage your strengths, and enhance your ability to succeed, both at work and at home. 

Note: Use Wave Health App to manage your ADHD and track your symptoms, medications, daily activities, & more.


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