8 Maintainable Sleep Hygiene Habits

Getting enough sleep is essential to living a happy and healthy life. Sleep allows us to function properly and gives our bodies and minds the chance to rest and recharge. We cannot understate the importance of sleep to your mind, body, and life, especially while facing a chronic condition. 

Generally, it is suggested adults should be getting around 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. How much sleep one should get differs per person. Every individual has different sleep needs based on age, gender, lifestyle, and medical history. Today, we will discuss how to incorporate small sleep hygiene practices into your life so that you can start seeing positive mental and physical effects.

Here are some simple Wave Health Tips for better sleep:

01 Consistency is Key 

Set and follow a consistent sleep schedule. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day to optimize your time in bed, fall asleep easier, and have a stable schedule. 

02 Limit Screen Time Before Bed

Shut down your devices about 1-2 hours before bed. Your screens emit blue light, which can disrupt your body's melatonin production and impact the quality and duration of your sleep. Consider switching out your screen time with reading a book, listening to calming music, or journaling. 

03 Exercise Regularly

Daily exercise, as simple as walking, is proven to reduce stress and improve sleep. However, it is important to note that you should avoid exercising too close to bedtime as you will risk negatively impacting your sleep. Exercising during the day, preferably early in the morning, will give your body enough time to relax and unwind before it is time for bed. 

04 Limit Caffeine Intake 

If your sleep is suffering, it may be a good idea to pay attention to your caffeine consumption. Caffeine can significantly disrupt your sleep schedule; it is usually recommended to avoid caffeinated beverages from late afternoon to bedtime. 

05 Eat Nutritious Balanced Meals 

Eating too much or too little before bed can impact the quality of your sleep. If you are eating too late at night, your body will still be digesting, and if you are not eating enough, hunger pains and a growling stomach can keep you up. 

06 Curate Your Sleep Environment 

To practice good sleep hygiene, we must assess the environment we are sleeping in. It is best to keep your sleep space dark, cool, and as noise-free as possible. 

07 Practice Relaxation Techniques 

Developing a calming and consistent routine before bed will help signal to your body that it is time to rest. You can wind down and relax before bed by practicing deep breathing, meditating, listening to calming music, taking a hot bath or shower, or drinking a cup of decaffeinated tea. 

08 Track your Sleep and Pay Attention to Your Insights 

Use Wave Health App to track how much sleep you get and identify what factors may be preventing you from getting a quality night's sleep. Wave will send you personalized insights and prepare recommendations to improve your sleep and other aspects of your daily life. 

In order to protect your body’s physical and mental functioning, consistent and good quality sleep is vital. These simple sleep hygiene practices can profoundly impact your health and how you feel as a whole. Try out a few and monitor how you’re feeling to find what works best for you!


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