Don’t Skip Your Annual Physical! Here’s Why

The COVID-19 pandemic had many implications on the ability to receive health care, one of them being the widespread cancelling and postponing of annual physical exams. What once may have been routine was derailed due to mass closures and reduced availability. Missing a few physicals may seem negligible, but these wellness visits actually have a major impact on you and your future health. In this blog post, we’re discussing why it’s so important to get back on track and a few ways to get the most out of your next physical.

Why they’re important

Physical exams provide a chance for you and your primary care provider to check on your overall health and screen for emerging health risks. Taking your vitals and other simple health tests can bring to light slight abnormalities that, while following your doctor’s guidance, can be curbed from progressing into more serious health problems.

Some experts argue that the value of physical exams goes even beyond these direct health benefits in that annual physicals help physicians and patients build closer relationships. And the trust that forms goes a long way. It allows for more effective counseling surrounding preventative lifestyle behaviors, and it makes patients more willing to reach out to their doctor in the future when they need advice or notice a strange symptom.

Of course, not all physicals bring up helpful health advice or furthers your relationship with your doctor. So how can you get the most out of yours?

Prepare questions. Even when you think you’ll remember something to bring up for you next physical, you’re likely to forget it by the time it actually comes around. When a question comes up, write it down. The journal space in Wave Health App can help you organize these thoughts.

Make other health screening appointments first. It’s usually helpful to schedule bloodwork, cancer screenings, and other health-maintenance tests in advance of your physical. That way, you can bring the results in and your physician can help you interpret them.

Find a primary care physician you like. If you’re feeling like your appointments with your doctor are impersonal or unhelpful, try and find a new one. A primary care physician is with you as your progress through your health journey, so it’s important to have one you like! You can ask friends and family for recommendations or do research on physicians within your network.


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