How to Protect Your Brain's Function Over Time
June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, and while there isn’t a single cure to brain changes while aging, there are many ways to protect your brain’s function over time.
Like other muscles in our bodies, the brain can rebuild itself and make new connections with repeated use and exercise. Mental, physical, and social exercises can help promote healthy brain development.
Consider adopting a few of the following habits to help protect against aging effects on your brain:
1. Exercise regularly - Just 30 minutes of daily exercise has been found to increase memory and problem-solving skills, and even postpone your risk for Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
2. Take care of your heart health - A healthy heart keeps blood flowing to the brain. Paying attention to your diet and exercise can keep both your heart and brain functioning healthily.
3. Avoid foods high in sugar - High blood sugar can have detrimental effects on memory and judgment skills, increasing your risk of developing dementia.
4. Try new things - The intellectual stimulation of learning new skills creates new connections between brain cells and makes it more difficult for neurodegenerative diseases to arise.
5. Be social - Socializing with other people exercises certain parts of your brain that aren’t worked when you’re by yourself. Connecting with others also helps protect against stress and depression.
6. Moderate your drug and alcohol intake - Both prescription and nonprescription drugs and alcohol can have strong effects on the brain, especially when multiple substances are interacting with each other. Try limiting your alcohol intake and avoid being over-medicated.
7. Get quality sleep - Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night so that the brain can heal, process, and reset. Inadequate sleep can lead to slower thinking and an increased risk of dementia.
It’s never too late to start taking care of your brain. As you incorporate these or other habits into your routine, don’t forget to track your daily activities, experiences, and symptoms to discover exactly what makes you feel your best.
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